Akhona 'She Ref 'Makalima is a FIFA and CAF female professional referee from South Africa. An Entrepreneuer, Community Leader and Womans Advocate on woman's upliftment. She became South Africa's number one female refree, when she made history by passing the man's international fitness test in 2013, thus becoming the iconic profesional female referee in South Africa. Akhona advocates for womans and youth development through education, sport, inclusion, skills development, health and leadership wellness.Akhona is known for breaking all geder steriotypes through her work as a professional female FIFA/CAF referee in a male domonated sport of football/soccer, as she travels around the world officiating both local and global/international football/soccer matches. Through passion for her caerr and woman, she started her own referee empowerment, coaching and mentoring progamme for future female referees through the Sheref Foundation.
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